New paradigm

New paradigm

New paradigm

Why ?

Because the digital ecosystem can be used not only on specific projects but also as a daily new workflow accelerate processes and knowledge.

How ?

By managing the change of work habits, getting used to the new ways of virtual thinking, and to use all the data generated as a powerful source of knowledge.

What ?

Here are the various topics that are part of the New Paradigm.

Hybrid development

• Getting use to seamlessly pass from the virtual loops to the testing loops and vice versa. • Maximize the added value and the performance with the Virtuality.

Hybrid development

• Getting use to seamlessly pass from the virtual loops to the testing loops and vice versa. • Maximize the added value and the performance with the Virtuality.

Hybrid development

• Getting use to seamlessly pass from the virtual loops to the testing loops and vice versa. • Maximize the added value and the performance with the Virtuality.

Change management

• How new digital ways involve new thinking ways for the development teams.

Change management

• How new digital ways involve new thinking ways for the development teams.

Change management

• How new digital ways involve new thinking ways for the development teams.

External Partnerships and R&D

• How to use virtual developments to create new business opportunities with partners. • How to use virtual environments to improve R&D and new technologies developments.

External Partnerships and R&D

• How to use virtual developments to create new business opportunities with partners. • How to use virtual environments to improve R&D and new technologies developments.

External Partnerships and R&D

• How to use virtual developments to create new business opportunities with partners. • How to use virtual environments to improve R&D and new technologies developments.

Data Intelligence

• Because not everything can be fully put into equations. • Data can be used to create models to complete our knowledge (neural networks, AI…). • The simulation and simulators are data generators of a new kind. • Accelerate decisions, process, and development thanks to new data analysis.

Data Intelligence

• Because not everything can be fully put into equations. • Data can be used to create models to complete our knowledge (neural networks, AI…). • The simulation and simulators are data generators of a new kind. • Accelerate decisions, process, and development thanks to new data analysis.

Data Intelligence

• Because not everything can be fully put into equations. • Data can be used to create models to complete our knowledge (neural networks, AI…). • The simulation and simulators are data generators of a new kind. • Accelerate decisions, process, and development thanks to new data analysis.

©2023 JEDAi. All rights reserved. Directed by Charlie Unique Content.

©2023 JEDAi. All rights reserved. Directed by Charlie Unique Content.

©2023 JEDAi. All rights reserved. Directed by Charlie Unique Content.